Monday, October 24, 2011

Relational Cloud: A Database-as-a-Service for the Cloud

C. Curino, E. Jones, R. Popa, N. Malviya, E. Wu, S. Madden, H. Balakrishnan, and N. Zeldovich. Relational Cloud: A Database Service for the Cloud. In CIDR, pages 235–240, 2011.
This paper introduces a transactional 'Database-as-a-Service" (DBaaS) model called Relational Cloud. The paper highlights and attempts to tackle three important challenges:
  1. Efficient Multi-TenancyThe goal here is to efficiently 'pack' as many databases on a given set of physical machines while meeting their query performance SLAs. Relational Cloud tries to identify the best way to map a given a set of databases and workloads to a set of physical machines. The authors identify that just using a DB-in-VM strategy doesn't scale too well because each database ends up having its own buffer pool, cache and log etc. which compete (and hence conflict) for the same physical resources. Relational Cloud consists of a monitoring and consolidation engine called Kairos which has a resource monitor (that monitors resource usage such as memory, disk access etc.), combined load predictor (which models the CPU, RAM and Disk usage of consolidated workloads) and a consolidation engine (which uses non-linear optimization techniques to figure out the mapping between workloads and physical machines).
  2. Elastic Scalability: The goal here to enable the DBMS to efficiently scale-out when the workload exceeds the capacity of a single machine. Relational Cloud uses graph partitioning algorithms to automatically analyze complex query workloads and map data items to physical nodes in order to minimize multi-node transactions. From a high level, it tries to partition data in a way such that tuples which are frequently accessed together are stored together on the same physical node. The algorithm simply tries to create a graph with the tuples as nodes and the weights of the edges between them signify the frequency with which they are accessed together. To scale this graph representation, it uses various sampling/exclusion heuristics. 
  3. Database Privacy: Being a CloudDB, Relational Cloud uses CryptDB which introduces an interesting concept of adjustable security. CryptDB employs different encryption levels (RND, DET, OPE or HOM) for different types of operations on data. This enables the queries to be evaluated on encrypted data and sent back to the client for final decryption.


Being more of a high-level paper, there was a lot of secret-sauce in the individual components that I would have been more interested in. For eg. It is unclear to me how the tuple graph would look like for OLAP workloads (as opposed to OLTP/Web workloads as described in the paper) and if OLAP workloads can even be easily partitioned on physical nodes as compared to their OLTP counterparts. As far as Kairos was concerned, the key component there is the Combined Load Predictor which models consolidated CPU, RAM and Disk for multiple workloads. It is unclear to me if it can predict sudden spikes or other non-historical workload characteristics. The key component that I found missing from the paper was a section on the effects of consolidation on individual query latency. As highlighted in the second paper that we read for the class, traditional DBs bind queries based on a static resource assumption. If this is true, the effect of Kairos mis-predictions on individual query latency is quite unclear from this paper.

Overall, I think Relational Cloud is a great initiative towards DBaaS model and is much better fit than its counterparts in its approach (Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Azure). However, the question I am unclear about is that do we really need a Relational DBaaS model in the cloud as opposed to weak consistency/entity-group based models?

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