Monday, November 7, 2011

VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network

A. Greenberg, J. R. Hamilton, N. Jain, S. Kandula, C. Kim, P. Lahiri, D. A. Maltz, P. Patel, S. Sengupta, "VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network," ACM SIGCOMM 2009, (August 2009).

This paper presented VL2 (Virtual Layer 2) based Data Center Network with the following key features:

  1. Flat addressing to allow services instances to be placed anywhere in the network.
  2. 'Valiant' load balancing (VLB)
  3. End System based address resolution.
The authors established high utilization and agility to be the foremost goals in their design consideration. Current datacenters suffer from over-subscription of resources and nothing is done to prevent a traffic flood from one service to prevent affecting other. Moreover, IP addresses/VLANs are used to achieve scale. This makes things like VM migration extemely complex and introduces broadcasts.

The authors did an extensive analysis of the traffic patterns in datacenters. Howeover, they found out that there is no particular pattern among the datacenter traffic that could be particularly exploited in desing of the routing protocol. So, they too like PortLand, decided to exploit the topology. They talk about assuming a Clos Network which is a rooted tree and links between Intermediate switched and the aggregation switches form a bipartite graph. The underlying idea of VL2 addressing anf routing is having 2 addresses- application specific IP address (AA) and a location specific IP address (LA). The VL2 agent at each server traps packet from the host and encapsulates the packet with the LA address of the ToR switch of the destination. The VL2 agent in turn knows the AA Vs LA mapping by a directory lookup service. Further, the valiant load balancer (VLB) helps in balancing multiple flows of data over randomized paths.

Overall, I think that the main strength of the paper lies in the fact that all the observations are supported by large scale experiments and data. This paper also is based on Clos topology, which again raises the issue of how apt is to design a generic protocol over a given topology. Further, another issue in VLB was that of path stretch. Howeover, I was not really conviced when the authors said that this is not much of a problem due to the environement (propagation delay is small) and underlying redundant topology. It would be really interesting to discuss the aspects of PortLand and VL2 in the class and discuss about various design decisions that can be cross implemented to improve both these protocols. I would recommend reading an excellent article
It's Microsoft vs. the professors with competing data center architectures and Prof. Amin Vahdat's blog-post that compares PortLand and VL2.

PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center Network Fabric

R. N. Mysore, A. Pamboris, N. Farrington, N. Huang, P. Miri, S. Radhakrishnan, V. Subramanya, A. Vahdat, "PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center Network Fabric", ACM SIGCOMM, (August 2009).
This paper presented PortLand, a Layer 2 Network Fabric for modern Data Centers. The authors laid down the following requirements in order to achieve their goal:
  1. Permit VM migration to any physical machine without having the need to change IP address.
  2. Plug and Play Switches.
  3. Efficient Communication.
  4. No forwarding loops.
  5. Rapid and efficient failure detection.
It is interesting to note here that strictly speaking considering current protocols, these funcationalities can not be solved by a protocol at either layer 2 or 3. While Req 1 can be tackled at layer 3 (IP), it fails to provide plug and play functionality to switches. Further, Req 4 can be tackled by layer 2 and 3 both (by spanning tree protocol or TTL resepctively ). Howeover, Req 5 is not met by either of the layers since the routing protocols (ISIS/OSPF) are broadcast based!

As a result, the authors proposed PortLand based on the assumption of a 'Fat Tree Network Topology':

  1. A lightweight protocol to enable switches to discover their position in the topology. It involves a separate centralized system known as the Fabric Manager which is a user process on a dedicated machine responsible for ARP resolution, fault tolerance and multicast. It maintains the soft state about the network topology. It contains IP - PMAC mappings.
  2. A concept of 48 bit pseudo MAC (PMAC) of the form pod.position.port.vmid which helps in encoding a machine's position in the topology. Any switch can query the fabric manager for the PMAC and hence know the exact location of the destination.
  3. Location Discovery Protocol (LDP) which enables switches to detect their exact topology.
  4. Support for ARP, multicast and broadcast.